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有機冷榨亞麻籽油 邊度買客戶提供

有機冷榨亞麻籽油 邊度買
全家寶健康產品專門店 Family Health Centre
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歡迎親臨陳列室參觀 : 旺角 煙廠街9號 興發商業大廈17 樓 1701 室 ( 近 廣華醫院 )
星期一至六12:00 AM – 6:00 PM 星期日及公眾假期休息 CLOSE (個別時間,歡迎預約)

有機冷榨亞麻籽油 Certified Organic
Flora Flax Seed Oil

請注意以下事項 :

1. 請客户安心選購,產品的安全和客户的健康才是我們最關注的。
2. 我們採購的原則以 (i)產品安全 (ii)品質優良,這才是我們的首選。
3. 加拿大Flora總公司辨事處設於加拿大,而最大的兩間廠房分別設於(加拿大和美國) 。
4. 兩大廠房都是採用同一種原材料(優質天然有機,保証絕無基因改造的加拿大亞麻籽) ,同一技術提鍊(初榨冷壓) 。
5. 由香港總代理入口,全程冷藏空運到港,保証不是水貨無冷藏船運到港,品質的安全和客户健康才有 100% 的保証。
6. 請緊記,Flora公司的建議,質優的亞麻籽油應該採用玻璃瓶貯存比較安全,因油在塑膠瓶內容昜產生化學反應,而且在任可時間一定要放進冰箱冷藏,因在常温下油品很容易變質,特別是在香港嚴熱的夏天。

亞麻籽油的好處 :

• 預防心臟病及中風
• 改善皮膚疾病 (濕疹、牛皮癬、類風濕性關節炎及鼻敏感)
• 有助改善關節炎
• 調節荷爾,預防癌症
• 預防心血管疾病
• 促進青少年智力
• 增進腸道蠕動,改善便秘情況
• 降低血糖,減少胰島素的依賴

建議食用方法 :



• 在早餐飲品中加入亞麻籽油飲用,像是牛奶豆漿或優酪乳。
• 將亞麻籽油拌入生菜沙拉中食用。
• 加入煮熟的湯、粥或飯中食用。 (可入口的温度)
• 將亞麻籽油拌入煮熟的菜餚食譜中,再加上香料食用。
• 將亞麻籽油與乳清蛋白或乳酪一起食用,對於抗癌有一定的作用。
• 它並不適合用於熱炒,最適合用在冷盤類的食物,例如做沙律時可以用亞麻籽油和橄欖油各半。
• 把亞麻籽油拌入麥皮或糖水中(如紅豆沙、麥米粥、喳咋等),或加入麵粉糰中,弄出亞麻籽鬆餅、班戟或麵包。增添口感之餘,亦可增加纖維素。
• 將亞麻籽油灑在沙律、菜上作拌碟。
• 由於亞麻籽油的起煙點比一般的油低,只有107°C(粟米油160°C),所以亞麻籽油很容易被熱力分解,並不適用於高烹調。亞麻籽油可用作沙律油或加入已煮好的湯、薯蓉中食用。

• 因天然的亞麻籽較易氧化,故必須將之冷藏,故有效日期會較短。
• 貯存在雪柜(一般下格)可放一年,在冰箱(一般上格)會較長一些。

• 必須用抗UV深茶色的玻璃瓶保護,不能用塑膠瓶,因油與塑膠會產生化學物質。

Unrefined Virgin Oil (Certified Organic)
Freshly pressed, unrefined oil is a nutritional addition to any healthy meal providing valuable essential fatty acids from natural sources.

Flora Flax Oil contains:

– (Omega 3) 57% Polyunsaturated Alpha-Linolenic Acid,
– (Omega 6) 14% Polyunsaturated Linoleic Acid,
– (Omega 9) 21% Monounsaturated Oleic Acid.

Made with Canadian Flax

Country of Origina : USA

Oil pressed from flax is incredibly rich in both Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids if it is freshly pressed and unrefined.

These two essential fatty acids are important for immune system development, digestive support, healthy brain function, soft and smooth skin, circulatory health, and anti-aging benefits.

The evolution of Flora’s highly sophisticated oil pressing plant allows the production of fresh, cold-pressed flax oil, which is unrefined, non-deodorized and pressed from certified organically grown flax. During pressing of this oil, the temperature remains below 40˚C.

This gives our oil a surprisingly delightful, fresh, nutty taste. Because of Flax Oil’s superior nutritional make-up, we recommend it always be used unheated. Flora fresh pressed flax oil is perishable and should be kept refrigerated at all times. The pressing and expiry dates are stamped on each bottle to ensure freshness.

The Essential Difference

Flora Oils are truly cold-pressed, unrefined and unmodified.

Most seeds used in our oil pressing are grown organically by Canadian and U.S. farmers and are selected for their high quality and abundance of essential fatty acids.

The quality of our oils is ensured by a third party certifying agency, Quality Assurance International (QAI). Unlike other commercially produced oils.

Flora Oils are pressed in a light- and oxygen-free environment on highly sophisticated presses, where friction heat is kept well below 118˚F (50˚C) to produce a truly cold-pressed oil that preserves the fragile EFAs.

They are then bottled in non-reactive dark brown glass bottles to prevent deterioration from light and are stamped for freshness. As an additional protective measure, we use a nitrogen flush to ensure oxidation cannot occur, and that top quality is maintained.

Flora Oils retain their authentic color, delicate flavor and primary nutritional characteristics. They are perishable and should be stored in the refrigerator.

e-mail :
Address : 歡迎親臨陳列室參觀 : 旺角煙廠街9號興發商業大廈17樓1701室( 近廣華醫院)
Phone : 查詢熱線 8105-2128 or Whatsapp 9105-8355
Price :

Posted in 免費網上宣傳. Tagged with .

3 Responses

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  1. May Chan said

    呢個網買亞麻籽油好抵 500ml連埋運貴唔使200蚊

  2. Family Health said

    關注健康的朋友,請注意以下事項 :

    1) 由香港總代理入口,全程冷藏空運到港,保証不是水貨無冷藏船運到港,品質的安全和客户健康才有 100% 的保証。
    2) 請緊記,Flora公司的建議,質優的亞麻籽油應該採用玻璃瓶貯存比較安全,因油在塑膠瓶內容昜產生化學反應,而且在任可時間一定要放進冰箱冷藏,因在常温下油品很容易變質,特別是在香港嚴熱的夏天。

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