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歡迎親臨陳列室參觀 : 旺角 煙廠街9號 興發商業大廈17 樓 1701 室 ( 近 廣華醫院 )

星期一至六12:00 PM – 6:00 PM 星期日及公眾假期休息 CLOSE (個別時間,歡迎預約)

奇亞籽助控血糖 健眼補腦

相信大家對蘊含豐富奧米加三脂肪酸的亞麻籽並不陌生,其實有另一類種籽名為奇亞籽(Chia seed),同樣是奧米加三脂肪酸的來源。奇亞籽起源於墨西哥南部,幾千年前已開始食用,是阿兹特克人和瑪雅人的四大主食之一。




奇亞籽食法和儲存方法簡單,可添加到麥皮、飯、 沙律、飲料和乳酪等日常食物中,在室溫下可儲存幾年,進食時亦不需要打磨成粉,亦可消化吸收。要注意的是,因奇亞籽有減低血液濃度的作用,故服用抗凝血藥的人士,不宜大量進食。




奇亞籽是一種天然的植物性食物, 因為它是位於澳洲西部, 緯度15度的農場上種植出來的純天然草本植物, 因為這個緯度能夠為奇亞籽提供理想的氣候及溫度生長環境, 能夠產生在所有植物當中含有最高的Omega-3油。


a) 幫助改善消化系統

奇亞籽含有 37% 的天然纖維。奇亞籽是人類Omega-3, 脂肪酸,抗氧化劑,和膳食纖維的自然植物來源,是所有植物中Omega-3 含量最高的;蛋白質,脂質,膳食纖維和能量明顯高於其他植物,可以起到預防腸癌、乳腺癌,肺癌等疾病,改善消化系統、保護人體的健康。

b) 促進心臟健康

奇亞籽含有多達20%的omega-3 ALA,這是一種健康身體不可或缺,人體自身無法製造,需要通過飲食進行補充的脂肪酸。奇亞籽中所含的omega-3ALA對心臟健康尤其重要,研究顯示,omega-3ALA可以幫助降低膽固醇、維護血管功能和減少心血管疾病風險。

c) 控制糖尿病

奇亞籽遇水可以膨脹,形成的粘膜可以包裹食物,好像形成一道屏障, 緩慢轉化碳水化合物為糖分,再緩慢將糖分轉化成能量,從而可以控制血糖高低,恢復胰島功能,對糖尿病人來說是最有效天然食物。

d) 維持體重: 當食物加入奇亞籽後,會變成糊狀或膨脹而引起飽足感,這能使你每天攝取更少的卡路里,控制體重,但仍能保持能量和耐久力, 因為含有豐富的人體必需的維生素,礦物質,鈣。

e) 修復髮膚和指甲

奇亞籽富含omega-6 LA、抗氧化物和蛋白質,這是保持健康肌膚的重要基礎。研究證實,飲食中的抗氧化物可以減緩身體的衰老;蛋白質能夠構造和修復人體組織,尤其令頭髮和指甲更為健康,而奇亞籽則是天然蛋白質的理想來源(含量高達20%)。

f) 增強體能



奇亞籽有美味的淡果仁味道,可以很容易地直接食用,或添加到日常飲食中來改善健康。可以加入到穀類, 餅乾, 飲料和優酪乳這些人們( 兒童,成人和年長者日常食用的食品中),也可以把奇亞籽撒在沙拉上;添加到湯裏;攪拌進各種飲料裏;烤進麵包、蛋糕或曲奇裏;或加入麥片中食用。

我們建議每日食用15g, 為什麼是15g, 因為澳洲有心臟協會指出人的身體最好每日吸收2g的Omega-3, 而每15g的奇亞籽就含有2.9g的Omega-3, 而且最好是在早上食用, 因為可以為身體增加每日所需的能量。


100% 奇亞籽



Chia Seeds White 500g

Product Introduction:

Originally grown in South America, Chia seeds were first used as food as early as 3500 BC and were one of the main dietary components of the Aztecs and the Mayans.

Chia grows best 15 degrees from the equator and today is grown on this latitude in Australia and South America


a. Increase FIBRE in their diet

Chia contains 36% fibre of which 80% is insoluble and 20% soluble. Consuming fibre helps to lower cholesterol in the body, aids intestinal health, including regular gut function and can reduce the risk and occurrence of colon cancer. A high fibre diet has shown to improve blood sugar control and may help to assist some people with their diabetes management.

b. Maintain their HEART HEALTH

Chia Seed contains 20% Omega 3. Chia Oil, is a more concentrated source providing 60% Omega 3. The Omega 3 ALA found in Chia is especially important for a healthy heart and research has shown it can be beneficial for lowering cholesterol, maintaining artery function and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. The heart foundation recommends a daily intake of 2g of Omega 3 ALA as opposed to Omega 3 DHA (found in fish oil) which should be consumed twice a week.

c. Diabetics

Including chia in the diet has a positive impact on the blood glucose control of Type 2 Diabetes patients. A recent case study by accredited and practicing dietician Emma Morris of Stay Tuned Sports Medicine showed that “The inclusion of 1 tablespoon of chia seeds in the daily diet of diet-controlled Type 2 Diabetics, assisted in the reduction of their morning blood glucose levels and blood glucose levels 2 hours post-dinner”.

d. Manage their WEIGHT

Chia Seed has the effect of thickening or bulking up food and therefore can give you a full sensation when you add it to food. This can result in you taking in fewer calories over the day and assist with weight loss. Chia also provides a slow release of energy which can sustain you for longer.


Chia contains a high source of Omega 6 LA, antioxidants and protein which are all important for healthy skin. Studies have shown a diet containing antioxidants can slow the process of aging in the body. Hair and nails are also mostly made of protein. The human body uses protein to build and repair tissues and needs relatively large amounts of protein and must draw on it from the diet as protein isn’t stored in the body. Chia is a great natural source of protein since it contains 20% protein in each serve.


Chia provides a sustained release of energy into the body. Many of our consumers are athletes who eat Chia to improve endurance and aid joint mobility and muscle repair.

How to Eat:

Chia is easy to include in your everyday diet as it tastes great. Sprinkle raw on your foods as a nutrition booster. Add to breakfast cereal, salads and soups. Mix with water to form a thick gel and blend into smoothies. Add to bread and muffin recipes. And 15g Chia Seed can provides all your daily requirement of Omega 3 ALA.


100% Chia Seed


Store in a cool dry place

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Address : 歡迎親臨陳列室參觀 : 旺角 煙廠街9號 興發商業大廈17 樓 1701 室 ( 近 廣華醫院 )
Phone : 查詢熱線 (852) 8105-2128 WhatsApp 查詢熱線 9105-8355 WeChat ID : FamilyHealthCentre
Price :

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